Welcome To Needs International

Striving To Serve Humanity

In Ghana…

Around 4 Million adults are illiterate

An estimated 1.1 million children in Ghana have lost either one of or both their parents.

Around 20 per cent of Ghana’s children are deprived of a basic level of education

Orphanage – Accra

In 2010 we visited Accra, the capital of Ghana. We identified a need for an orphanage for the poor – providing food, shelter and care. We built an orphanage on the outskirts of Accra, which gives children complete education, care and upbringing. The orphanage consists of two buildings, we extended the Orphanage with a purpose built Girls living quarters in 2017. Food, Clothes, Care, Security, Education are all provided by the charity

Mosque & Education Centre – Tamali

In 2013 we built a mosque and education centre for many villages in Tamali. The mosque has a capacity of around 400 people. The education centre has 6 classrooms and one hall, teaching a curriculum provided by UK professionals. Currently 200 children attend the education centre, there is only one teacher. We require to train more teachers. There is potential to open day-time school in the same building
