Visit to Ghana 2023

At the beginning of February 2023, a group of volunteers from the charity travelled to Ghana to visit the orphanage in Accra and our various Education Centres in the northern region of the country.

On this visit they were greeted by the teachers and students alike with enthusiasm and an over stretching show of compassion and gratitude.

They were able to assess the on going renovation work to the orphanage, including new sleeping and living quarters, extended classrooms and a dedicated water filtration system.

On the visit the team flew north to the city of Tamale, to visit the education Centres that the charity sponsor, here they also met with the teachers and students and were able to receive first hand updates on their progress.

During the visit the team also visited a recently built water well in the rural area of Tamale, this is part of the charities on going water aid project, to build and install water wells accessible to all in villages who have no access to a fresh, clean, safe water supply.
